Thursday, May 12, 2005

linus torebaldus

What do lines remind you of?
Geometry in school. Architectural Diagrams. Road maps. Limits. Boundaries. Electricity Bill Payments.
A line is that which has length, but not breadth or thickness.

There are two kinds of lines.
The first is the Straight line. A straight line is the shortest distance between two points in space. There are several unsolved problems relating to Straight lines and their relation with concepts arising from quantum physics. For example; Wormholes, Straight Lines bent in space. A lot of research money goes into Straight Lines now a days.
The other kind of line is completely ignored.

Ofcourse...I mean Gay lines. heh heh


dewdrop said...

please to enlighten

A Chrysanthemum by any other name... said...

Taarch bhenkede!! :))) (now dont ask for enlightenment for this one)

. : A : . said...

Lines mostly remind me of divisions between opposites, or what we would like to believe to be opposites.