Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jan 4 2007 - StormBreaker

PresentsStorm in my Baby Bottle

The columnist who writes this column is, thankfully, on vacation. Since he is one of those adults, who likes giving young people a chance he let me do this week's preview. He tells me that it makes him feel good, but I think he is just taking time off to buy his wonderful wife some unimaginative presents for her birthday.

Anyway I’m only one year old, so I'm starting really young. Before I turned one recently, I’m guessing I was zero. I have many names. Mama calls me booboo and Cutchupie and Arun depending on the time of day. I have noticed that she calls me Arun when i do stuff I am not supposed to do, so I’m guessing that is a bad word.
After some consideration I’ve realized that I must either be Cutchupie or Booboo. You can call me whatever you like as long as you don’t call me Arun.

This week’s release is a movie called ‘Storm Breaker’ which, I’m guessing, is about someone very like me when I’m breaking toys. Somebody in the movie is definitely breaking storms, though I don’t know what a storm is. Mama says I’ll have to look up the dictionary to find out about storms. Problem is, I don’t know what dictionary means so I don’t know where to start looking. On another note, it is my Mama’s birthday today and I wish her a very happy birthday though I can’t buy her anything, as no one will pay me to break toys or damage nappies, and those are the only things I know to do very well.

To preview ‘Storm Breaker’ I’ll really need to know what all these complicated words like complicated mean. Also, young children like me don't see the world the same way as adults (it helps that our idea of war is GI Joe, while happiness is a stash of chocolate). We usually see things from a lower angle, have difficulty seeing things as a whole, and concentrate only on parts of things - usually the parts we're looking at. So I’m going to sit in a time machine and grow up to write the rest of the preview. (This is easy for us toddlers as we can imagine almost anything. Why!? I once imagined that everyone on earth had become nice, even George Bush! )
Whoosh! (That’s the sound a time machine should make. ‘Swish!’ will also do)

Well, that does it then! I’m 29 years old in the year 2035 and I can do that preview (though not technically as the movie released 28 years ago), without using words like ‘like’, ‘guess’, ‘very’ and ‘so’ so many times.
Presenting then, for your special relish, plump English words stewed and stuffed in the right quantities to add that garnish of silly stupidity to your life: The Storm Breaker Preview

Based on the 1st in the series of books by Anthony Horowitz, Storm Breaker starring Ewan McGregor, Mickey Rourke, Andy Serkis of LOTR ‘Gollum’ fame and that fantastic author/actor Stephen Fry, is the story of young Alex Rider who doesn’t even own a bicycle.
He spends his time thinking up bad humour (much like the author of this column) based on the Matrix movies:

The One. Neo. NEO is anagram of The One.I, Alex, will be the new anagrammatic superhero, ENO.
As Eno I will surf the gastroenterical tracts dispelling Agent Acidity and company to oblivion. I will guard the gateways to the intestinal Zion; fight tooth, nail and Smithy etc etc

OR: Other Matrix fantasies gone wrong like -

I will not be The One.
I will be more than that.
I will be The Two.
Buy one get one free.

But when his uncle Ian Rider dies mysteriously while watching an Indian Television channel on board a new airline called the Storm Breaker, Alex is drawn into a terrific ride which shows him unveiling secrets unknown to humanity in ancient 2007. He discovers the great secret of the airline industry and of flight in general. The revelation unfolds, as he reads a painfully slow book called “ Atlas Shrugged and said ‘So what?’ ”, that “flight” of any form on Planet Earth is a great myth.
Birds do not fly.They stay stationary in the air. It is the earth Spinning which causes the illusion that they are flying. The whole flapping of wings routine is to ward off insects, mostly flies.
Consequently, it is also revealed that all the airline industry has ever done is build anti gravity aircraft, which can stay stationary in air and use the Earths’ spin to cause the illusion of having travelled. All delays are caused due to storms as the pilot, whose only job is to ensure that the plane faces the right direction as the earth spins, can’t see which direction to turn the plane. Storm Breakers are a new kind of plane that can see through storms while beating gravity. The problems arise when Storm-Breaker’s promoters decide to reveal the truth about flight to the general public and there is a cry of outrage from the publishers of important journals like the Superman Comic.

Does Alex manage to solve the mystery of his uncle’s death on board the Storm Breaker? Does he find out which daily soap on Indian TV killed him? Will Anti-Gravity Man comics beat Superman sales to pulp?

* Objects in the Preview Mirror may appear sillier than they are.
Disclaimer: Characters in the above story are not based on any characters in the film. Any resemblance or humour is pure luck.
**OPM appears in the Thursday edition of Bangalore BIAS and previews a Friday release


Anonymous said...

I am sure the TV series that his uncle was watching will be Sony TV's "new and improved" Aahat, which is specifically targeted at one year olds who are yet learning to fear. It has that element of "fun while you learn". Although its mostly fun in the form of weird costumes and hair-raising (literally) make-ups.

Anonymous said...

hmm, must be the qualm before the storm? ;)

Sleep-Walker said... Cutchupie!! :) cute piece!

zap said...

@ drumster - Aahat supposedly has good TRP. Its inexplicable, just like CID has great ratings..

@ tiaramisu - haha:)

@ sleep-walker - i'm very willing to be cuddled and pampered:))